
Showing posts from December, 2015

Refugees and asylum seekers

History and Politics are organizing a one-day event devoted to considering policy toward refugees and asylum seekers through lectures, discussion, visual displays, theatre, and Q&A.  Speakers include refugees and asylum seekers, as well as academics, members of local organisations, and politicians. Students and staff (morning and afternoon) and students, staff and members of the public (afternoon) are warmly invited to this free event, which takes place on Monday 1st February 2016 . Information about booking and the full programme can be found here . The organizer is Dr Peter Hayes (Politics).

Margaret Skinnider and Constance Markievicz

Scotland and the Easter Rising (Luath Press, 2016) features a chapter by Dr Alison Younger about two female revolutionary nationalists. Entitled 'Scotland is my home, but Ireland is my Country: Margaret Skinnider and Constance Markievicz', Alison's essay appears alongside the work of authors and academics such as James Kelman, Irvine Welsh and Owen Dudley-Edwards. The collection mixes fiction, memoir, poetry and essays to explore  Irish-Scottish relations in the context of the 1916 Easter Rising and its intersections with other movements, from Women’s Suffrage to the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum. You can read The Scotsman's review of this volume here .

Bowes Museum talk

British War Widows of World War 1 is the subject of a talk to be given by Dr Angela Smith at the Bowes Museum on 12th January 2016 at 2.30 pm. Booking information can be found here .